
How to register: Enter your com­pa­ny data, an e‑mail address and a per­so­nal pass­word. By con­fir­ming our terms and con­di­ti­ons you acqui­re a paid access for 21,00 € per month.

Bil­ling takes place semi-annu­al­ly by invoice in advan­ce. The access can be can­cel­led annu­al­ly at the end of the year with a noti­ce peri­od of 1 month.

After regis­tra­ti­on, you will recei­ve an email from us in which you must con­firm your email address. Once you have done this and paid the invoice, we will acti­va­te your account and you will be able to log in to the web­site and view all available information.

  • Your organisation

  • Billing address

  • Login information

  • Mini­mum length of 8 cha­rac­ters.
    The pass­word must have a mini­mum strength of Medi­um
    Strength indi­ca­tor
  • By cli­cking on „Regis­ter”, you make a legal­ly bin­ding regis­tra­ti­on and enter into a purcha­se con­tract for online access that is sub­ject to payment.